Lifestyle, Politics and Health

Don’t Count the Days, Make the Days Count

So for many of you who follow me on some of my media platforms like Snapchat and Instagram you will know that I am currently in my final year in college. Since I have started back I have cried more than any other year in college, sat at my laptop screaming in my head ‘why can’t I write this’ and wondered why the hell I am doing my course? But it finally hit me recently why I have been doing all that, and that is because of my pal, time. I keep putting pressure on myself to use every single minute of my day doing something practical for college or my future when I haven’t really just taken a minute to relax and actually enjoy my last semester of college.


I’ve also noticed how badly my anxiety has been since I came back, thankfully it is nothing like I was at the start of this year but it really opened my eyes, why the hell do we put so much pressure on doing well in college? I know everyone wants to do the best they can but at the end of the day its a degree not your whole life. So many people don’t end up heading into a career with the degree they studied in college and go in a totally different directions. So my advice to so many of my final year friends don’t panic if it doesn’t work out they way you expected it to because what is mean’t for you in life won’t pass you by.


Enjoy the 1am drive in your pj’s to get an ice cream from Supermac’s, enjoy the funny stories after a wild night out, go to the ball, join a society that you’ve an interest in but most importantly enjoy your time in college. So many people have told me since I began college to really hold on and enjoy it because it flashes before your eyes. I remember looking at the final year students when I was in 1st year and thinking that is so far ahead in my future and now here I am today writing about it. So any of ye out there stressing, I know its not easy but take a break, go for a drive, sit down and have a cup of tea with your housemates because we are all going through the same storm together. And I know it all sounds cliche but I am telling you its so true, make time for yourself and enjoy every moment of college life.

The biggest piece of advice I could give to anybody in final year is take care of your mental health. If you are feeling overwhelmed, panicked and overworked talk to your friends and people in the college, there is no help with suffering in silence. We all think some of our lecturers are never going to understand what we are going through but they all went through the same thing as us. Might I add some of the older lecturers didn’t have the privilege of Google and Wikipedia like we do nowadays so they will understand if you need extra help or extensions. Remember that your degree isn’t a definition of you, college is also there to help you develop as a human being.  So many people don’t think about it in that light. I bet 99% of people that have gone through university have changed in some way in there lives because of what they have done in college. You learn how to work with others, carry out your own research and you build such strong connections with people that have very similar interest to yours.


So I know this is a bit of a tangent and I’ve shown you the hectic world of college but if anybody out there is upset or stressing out about college please please remember that it can be some of the best years of your life if you enjoy the little moments. I know assignments, projects, dissertations and everything else can get on top of you but don’t forget that you are one human being, you can not do all that work without going into overdrive and getting flustered so take a step back, breath, take it day by day and it will get a little easier.

Don;t forget to add my Snapchat: beautifullyblog and follow my Instagram: beautifullyimperfectworld

Lots of Love,



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