Lifestyle, Politics and Health

All You Need Is Love and Family

The one thing that I am always immensely grateful for is my family. I am lucky enough to have the most amazing mother and father alongside my lovely siblings. When I look at my life and look at all the opportunities that I have had they are all thanks to the support I have received from my family. I come from a big family of 5 girls and 1 boy and I must say I love that every single one of us have grown up to be so supportive of one another. My family are my biggest fans and are always interested in what I am doing with my blog and I think it is about time that I share how much they mean to me. My mother and father really inspire me every day. They are the most hardworking and dedicated people I have ever met. We were always taught straight off the bat to be polite and kind people and I couldn’t have had better examples than my parents. I am so glad my mother and father raised me with manners and to present myself in the happiest and most comfortable way. They have taught me the truly important things in life and I hopefully one day will be able to pass this on to my own children.


You may wonder why I am speaking so much about my family but I think in the world we live in today it is so important to understand how much your family can really help you in your life. I know some people come from bad families and have had to deal with some hard times and sadly that is all a part of life. But if you are lucky enough to have a family that care and provide for you, don’t take it for granted. I look at my parents and wonder how they ever survived myself and my siblings’ teenage years, with us constantly giving out to them, never wanting to spend time with them and basically ignoring them all the time when they asked you to do some of the simplest jobs around the house (sorry mammy!). But no matter how much we gave out they always asked us how our day was, did we need to go anywhere, were we hungry because no matter how much you give out to them they know that its only temporary and that you aren’t actually mad at them. I swear my mother should become a saint for the patience, tolerance and plain determination she has built up since she became a mother.

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I can’t say enough about both my parents. I am a daddy’s girl through and through and always will be. Dad is one of the most down to earth, funny, chatty, and most hilarious people you could ever meet and a man I have come to know and love. That man good talk for Ireland and he is the best at telling a story. An interesting thing about my dad is that he is an only child, so to see how he is now with six children is interesting. He is very much so the worrier in our house and will get you anything you need no matter what time of the day it is (he even got me a tanning mit one day!). One thing my father has thought me most since I was small is to never be afraid to speak passionately about what you are interested in and take every opportunity in life to develop your education. If there is a course he spots online he will always mention it to you no matter how wacky it sounds. I also adore my mother. She is by far the most busy woman you will ever come across she doesn’t sit down for a minute. And she doesn’t walk she runs! Mam is one the most well-grounded, smart, beautiful, intelligent, and funny people you will ever meet in your life! She is a woman that never lets herself get over-whelmed, is a master of all trades from cooking, cleaning, medicine, driving and so much more. There is nothing that Mam can’t do and if she can’t do it then you’re really banjaxed 😛 She has taught me a million and one things about life. She thought me how to walk, read, cook, dance, and so much more. She would move mountains for you if she knew it would help you. I swear I am so emotional right now writing this!


One thing I will always take with me is the importance of having a good family. So many people from all corners of the globe barely speak to their families anymore and I think it is truly upsetting. I don’t know what I would do without all the lads. I cannot wait when college is finished on a Friday to go home and see all my family and my animals. I love hearing what they have done for the week. I love sitting down having dinner with everybody. I love sitting by the fire all snug and warm together on the couch having a cup of tea. At the end of the day it is the little things in life that you learn to appreciate and it’s the funny holiday memories and the road trips with your families that you will remember not the stupid fights over which one of the girls took your good hair straightener. So if you are just after having a fight with your mam, dad, brother, sister, and so on remember that you only have a limited time with them all so go out and give them a hug and tell them how much you love them because all anybody wants in life is to be happy, healthy and loved.




Lots of Love,


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